Family Self Sufficiency Program


What is FSS Program?

FSS is a HUD program that enables families under the Native American Housing Assistance and  Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) to increase their earned income and reduce their dependency  on welfare assistance and rental subsides.

  The FSS program is designed to assist families work towards goals of attaining improved employment opportunities, increased income and ultimately work towards goals of attaining home ownership.


How does the program work?

  Once an eligible family is selected to participate in the program, the Public Housing Authority, and the head of each participating family  execute a 5 – year FSS Contract of Participation that specifies the rights and responsibilities of both parties and the goals and services for  the family. The family works with the FSS coordinator to be connected to services to assist with completing goals.

move_inWho is Eligible to Participate in the FSS Program

   Families who receive assistance under the Public Housing rental assistance program, all occupants 18 years of age or older  currently residing in a TOKA rental home. Families who express interest in the program, and are motivated to participate  in  the FSS program.

 How to get started, and what to expect?

  If you are interested in learning more about the program please call Jackie Reino, TOKA FSS Coordinator at 383- 2202. What benefits to expect while participating in the  FSS Program.

– TOKA staff will work to assist you in finding avenues to gain employment and/or greater income opportunities.

– TOKA staff will assist you with providing tools and information to improve an individual’s credit rating.

– TOKA staff will assist you in finding educational resources to further your goal in improved family self sufficiency.  

  While participating in the FSS program should a family member experience an increase in income, TOKA will start an escrow account for the participating beneficiary. TOKA will hold the  escrow account, after no less than one year proceeds will be released to the participant to utilize for any purpose the tenant choose necessary such as new furniture, down payment on a  home, etc.

 Family Self Sufficiency Program Letter