Tohono O’odham Ki:Ki Association Tribal HUD-Veterans Assistance Supportive Housing Program Guidelines
The Veterans Assistance Supportive Housing (VASH) Program is a United States Veteran’s Affairs (VA) funded housing assistance program designed to serve veterans affected by or at risk of homelessness. The Tohono O’odham Ki:Ki Association (TOKA) is the administrator of the VASH program, performing the selection and award of vouchers in accordance with this policy.
TOKA has developed the Tribal HUD VASH Program for the purpose of serving Native American veterans who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness. Most will be dealing with financial problems due to chemical dependency, gambling, and mental health which contributed to homelessness. The AI veterans will typically have low or very low incomes, and will need an array of social and medical services including case management with an emphasis on independent living skills and employment/educational goals; behavioral health and primary health issues; chemical dependency treatment; and domestic violence counseling and parenting support as appropriate. The ongoing case management is performed by the TOKA VASH case manager.
The TOKA VASH Program will consist of tenant-based rental homes located throughout Arizona off-reservation rented to low-income individuals with incomes at or below 80% of the adjusted median income.
Selection for the VASH program will be based on the applicant’s eligibility, such as veteran’s status and homeless or “at-risk” status, and will be targeted toward those most in need, such as veterans who are chronically homeless, unsheltered, and in need of case management services.
For more information about this program, please send us your contact information and a brief comment or question;
Download the application Here.